Spanish Gin and Tonics are the rage! The key is to use a large goblet style glass with extra large ice cubes. Let you guests serve their own tonic into their glass. Try to use Spanish produced Gin but any of your favorites will do!
- Nordes Gin (herbal from Galica, Spain)
- Puerto de Indias Gin (strawberry from Sevilla Spain
- Fever Tree or high quality brand of Tonic
- Lemon
- Blueberry
- Select a large goblet style glass.
- Fill with one or two extra large ice cubes.
- Select which type of gin you prefer.
- For Nordes, garnish with a lemon slice.
- For Puerto de Indias, garnish with a couple of blueberries.
- Pour a large shot of gin into the wine glass.
- Serve your guests with their own individual bottle of tonic water.
- Let everyone measure their own tonic to gin ratio. Salut!